Latest Work: The Sixteenth Kiss
April 13, 2014
As some of you may know from my twitter, I have started a new novel for Camp Nanowrimo to overcome some writers block on my previous novel. I originally hadn't planned to participate in Camp Nano but the idea for this novel came to me in a dream, in fact. I never really remember my dreams long enough to use them as novel material but this one stuck out to me so much that I literally jumped out of my bed and ran to my laptop to write it down. I dreamed up a rather amusing conversation of a Prince lamenting his inability to wake up sleeping princesses with the infamous True Love's Kiss and his parents' resulting dismay since, "that is just how Fairytale princes find their true love."
I have titled it "The Sixteenth Kiss" and the premise is simply this: A pandemic of maidens cursed with eternal slumber awaiting True Love's Kiss, and Prince Benedikt can't seem to wake any of them. So far the words are flying on the page and I made the decision to use only a very rough outline. I like to outline everything to death which has both helped and hurt me in the past but I wanted to leave myself open to inspiration on this one. So far it's working and I have had a couple of moments of clandestine inspiration that really helped me take characters to new depths.
If you are interested, I have posted the first chapter on my Figment page for your reading pleasure!
I appreciate all of your wonderful comments and feedback!
It means the world to me!