The past months have been a WHIRLWIND. I can't even — I really had no idea how much life would have changed since my last post! LIFE 1. Hubby and I bought a house! It was a shockingly easy process (which we've been told never happens) but moving is my least favorite thing. When we weren't unpacking the last of our boxes, we...
Oh, February. You were a gross, snowy and grey month, and I'm sad to say you won't be missed. I'm so ready for spring and I am SO ready to be rid of my writing funk. Since I haven't really been feeling up to social media this month, I decided to do a recap of everything that's been going on! WHAT'S THE 411?...
There comes a time in every writer's life, when they encounter debilitating writer's block. Writing is awesome and incredibly rewarding, but it is also ridiculously hard—some times more so that others. I have been stuck in a writing rut (block) since the start of January. Yeah... that long. Yeah... it sucks. Trying to write is like herding a bunch of cats; thoughts don't...